"Quando sua realidade particular é desafiada, ela cede à verdade."

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say Im not just another one of your plays?
What if I say I will never surrender?

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012


There are those days, when we wake up feeling angry.
That's like a fuel...
you wake up angry,  you change clothes, avoid every single person in the house, get a bus, go to work. 
You breath deeply, take your time, sit in front of your computer and try not to smash your boss fingers with the keyboard, until they are all crooked and broken. You try not to murder every client that come over to ask you where is the bathroom.
You take a deep breath.
Walk outside, light up a cigarette, try not to think how miserable you are. 
You feel your bones creak. How long since the last time you really used your muscles?
Humans could kill things with their bare hands.
A full grown man could crush another man's skull under his boot like glass, his eyes popping out like a Christmas gift. He could run for miles, out in the snow, grab a deer and kill it with a stone or a spear. 
And you can't even face a couple of stairs to get there. 
You hardly walk, you just drag yourself by the sidewalks hoping you can get home soon to lay your fat body down and wait Death as it comes. 
They say everyone is looking for happiness but where the hell is this shit to be found? I'll tell you a little secret.
There isn't happiness any-fucking-where. Some things in your life will get right, some will not. That's life. There's no full happiness, Even if there was some happy place or formula, you wouldn't be able to seek even your food if it jumped around, what to say about the WHOLE FREAKING HAPPINESS? It would outrun you like a rabbit against a turtle. 
And that's the world. Those people you work to, those people you don't even know walking on the street, those old people in the asylum, your uncle and aunt, your cousins, your friends, your girlfriend, all of them, they are just waiting for a chance to throw you to the wolves. And I mean it. Torture them and they would give your soul for a single minute free of pain. And not only that. Put them into some sort of situation where they will get hurt, emotionally hurt if you like to be a faggot, and they will tear you apart like a steak into a meat-grinder. If you want to survive in this world you have to be strong, and to be your only hope, your only help and support. Your legs are all you have to put you up, walking and running. 
So don't fuck around.
We are a generation of fat lazy assholes that don't know how to fight for anything. 
We deserve to be extinct.
It's a jungle out there, it has always been. It's not the capitalism, the market, the society or anything. 
It was like that before it. If you don't want to kill your dad, then you can't be alive.
Every single person you know will throw you to the wolves, so you have at least to be one of those wolfs, instead of a crying lamb just waiting to be sacrificed. 
It's a game out there, it has always been. If you don't want to play, to get your hands dirty for what you want and believe, if you do not wish to carve your teeth into someone else's flesh, then you don't deserve to be alive. 
You should be sucking your mother's tits, hoping that she'll keep you fed for long enough before some predator comes and rip her heart out and crush your head with his boots. 
Just wait for it...