"Quando sua realidade particular é desafiada, ela cede à verdade."

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say Im not just another one of your plays?
What if I say I will never surrender?

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Everybody... runs

Eu não sou o professor de inglês e nunca fiz aula para ter plena noção da língua, mas se alguém aqui não entende inglês procura um profissional, é sua obrigação saber inglês hoje em dia, e não minha compreender suas limitações...


One step after another.
One... another one...
just keep that.
Just keep it going.
There's no one else around.
It doesn't matter, just keep doing it.

Don't look at them.
It's just you and the road.


Just run.
Everybody runs.
One step after the other...Just the road.
Listen to your own breathing.
Keep your blood pumping through your veins.
Rise it to hell and up.
Boil your body from the inside.
Burn all your thoughts down.
Just run.
One Step after another.
It's all you need.
Run for your life.
Run all your life.
Fast as you can, feel the wind and keep going.
They are just vultures of emptiness, just a chasm taking human form.
Just keep going, they aren't here to run, to walk.
They're here just to do their social business, their confused mating dance,
crawling like worms.
You are here to forgot this.
To keep an eye on yourself.

That's it.

Just you, yourself and the road.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
You know yourself, and know your enemy.
You have all the weapons you need.
You just need to pull the trigger, and vanish it all away.
One step, another one.
Breathing heavily, going to your limit.
Everybody around thinking that you're weak.
They don't know you.
They don't know that you can run for miles, for eternity.
Just keep running to the edge of your own abyss, to drop and go down at full speed, without blinking, the wind tearing your skin, ripping of your flesh and breaking your bones.

To fall harmless...

Nothing to fear.
You know what you'll find down there.
Just keep running. They just can walk...they can't reach you. Not good enough.
Just run, fell your strength and go on.
Carry on to the final breath...
One step after another.

Just run, smash it all and leave nothing behind, nothing but ashes.
You must run, burn the way, the road below. There's nothing above you, just night and silence.
They're faceless and mute, deaf and blind, they're cripple, just dragging the rest of their own bodies around.

I'm nothing like them, I just run,
Cause everybody runs when someone tells them that they're under arrest.

Everybody that can, runs...

and I can.

6 comentários:

  1. é incrível como você descreve com fúria e paixão.
    dá para sentir como se você estivesse correndo enquanto lê.

  2. Correr como o vento.
    E esquecer as mágoas.
    Um dia é da caça e outro da pesca.

  3. Ma englixe tchu bed. uuaHUAHUHUAH
    But all the words that you used in this poem brings me the things that I study, and remembers me why I do that.
    People run, and we, terapeuts (or almost), we run to stop then all.
    With a little cost, of course.. uAHAHUHHA

  4. The road is a dangerous place, you start with a little step and never know where your feets will get tired.

  5. Eu até sei inglês. E tem muita verdade na introdução do que você disse. Mas ficou tão arrogante e colonizador o que você disse que eu broxei para ler o texto :(

    vou tentar voltar aqui depois quando eu acabar com meus preconceitos...


  6. até onde eu sei o nosso português veio de Portugal, uma nação que colonizou essas bandas.

    seria uma boa então aprender uma língua indígena, será que apache é difícil ou vai ser colonizador por ser "americano"?. uhaUHAUHAUA
