The Stone - Ashes Divide
I’ve been pushing stones away
Far from these shores
I pretend that it’s all okay
On the brink of what can’t be adored
We survived
well we can change
So let it fade
Just let it go
We pretend so
Nothing does changed
Flowers never breaking
Through the stone
I pretend and
Pray it all away
Searching for
A place to hide
But I don’t need to pretend
Memories to fade
I just wanna feel
Something real inside
And we survive
Well we can change
So let it fade
Let it go
We pretend so
Nothing does change
The flowers never
Breaking through the stone.
I’ve been pushing stones away
Far from these shores
I pretend that it’s all okay
So long I can be adored
Well we can change
So let it fade
Just let it go
We pretend so
Nothing does changed
Flowers never
Breaking through the stone
Enquanto continuamos a fingir, a mentir, enquanto continuamos a virar as costas para o que realmente importa, o mundo definha, sempre o mesmo.
Gostei muito da letra dessa musica.
ResponderExcluirE tem ai uma grande verdade: o ser humano fingi o tempo todo, mesmo em coisas minimas e é por isso que o mundo nao vai bem..
acho que o mundo precisa de um pouco mais de verdade...